There are several things I'd like to get rid of around here. Some of these things are not mine. Some of these things are deemed necessary by other members in my family. Some of these things I just can't let go of. Here is my list of things that I would like to get rid of but doubt I will be able to:
1. the microwave - Oh how I hate you, microwave. You freak me out with your radiation and your ability to zap my food of most of it's nutritional value.
2. baby clothes - Will you sit in a box and never again be used? Will you be pulled out again in a year or two? Interesting questions . . .
3. excess toys - How many toys do three children really need?
4. 14 year old dark blue suit hanging in the back of my closet - Who will wear you? Who would want to wear you? You and your pleated pants should not be taking up space here.
5. the t.v. - You are ugly, I don't like you and you are bad for me. You should have gone out with the trash a long time ago. Yet here you are. Staring at me. Enticing me to turn you on and fill my head with nothingness. Shame on you, t.v.
Maybe someday I will be able to part with some or all of these things. Until then, I guess I just have to learn to live with them.
What are you working up the nerve to get rid of?
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